Monday, 14 April 2014

Harvey Nichols Collaboration with Wool Week

After me and Emily James decided we were to create a due together we thought we had better get started as soon as possible, so when the Yorkshire wool Company came into Uni to pitch the brief for the Harvey Nichols In collaboration with Wool week, we accepted straight away. The brief was to create a brochure which displays all of the work from all the designers involved, this brochure would be handed out at the even in the Harvey Nichols Store in October. The Though of producing such a vast brochure for such a big company in such a sort about of time was very daunting but we were both very excited by the thought of it, as we agreed it would be something great to put in our portfolios.

After Exchanging emails we came up with a final layout for the brochure along with appropriate Typefaces and the chosen Imagery for each designer. Me and Emily both found it difficult when it came to contact with the client as there were over 15 sets of changes to be made to the document, most of which were changes which were no fault of ours, but down to how the client changing their mind. 

One Mistake which we made when approaching the design job was failing to discuss payment, At the start of the job we were told we would be paid by the client, and we had this in email confirmation, however as the job came to an end the client decided that they were no longer join to pay us and instead give us printing credits. This occurred because of a lack of communication on both sides, however I have defiantly benefited form this, in the sense that I have learnt in future to discuss payment in advance.  

 We both attended the Event at the Harvey Nichols store, It was overall a great experience working with and for the clients we did, and i think I have really gains an incite into what it is really like working in the industry, Hopefully next time we will be paid. 

Above are some images from the final publican, this was printed and given out at the final Wool week in collaboration with harvey Nichols Event.  

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